Welcome--- will you join us on our New York Journey?

Thirteen Missouri high school students create a saga of intrigue, romance and fate... We invite you along for the ride!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Leiah Scenario 2: Meeting Kaelen

Leiah has just got to the Brooklyn Bridge. She finds a spot to park along the Bridge to wait for her Mystery Man. Before she got to the Brooklyn Bridge, she went and drove around a little bit. Leiah started to drive past Central Park when she seen someone who was waiting to go somewhere. When Leiah sees her, she don’t know what to think. She sees this pregnant girl and her boyfriend just sitting on a Bench in Central Park. The girl had dark brown hair, tan skin-tone and she had a green dress on. I started to drive on to go to the Brooklyn Bridge, but i turned around to go pick them up and take them to the Art Museum before i go to the Brooklyn Bridge. While i am taking them to the Art Museum, Kaelen starts to tell me about her life and how she was treated as a child, up until she ran away. After Leiah dropped Kaelen and her boyfriend off at the Wall Street, there was one thing that got me thinking while i was driving to the Brooklyn Bridge and that is who her parents are.......On another note, she made it to the Brooklyn Bridge and Leiah saw her Mystery Guy that she’s suppose to meet. He is NOTHING like he told her. He told her that he was from Texas, but he was white as could be. So she started to wonder if he was really telling her the truth or not. He finally ends up telling Leiah what his name after the first 10 minutes, he said that his name was Scotty. After he finally told her his name Leiah didn’t know what to believe anymore, so she told him to go screw himself. When Leiah ditched Scotty, she was upset so she went and met Kaelen at a cafe to talk and get to know each other a little better. There is still a mystery that Leiah has to solve between her and Kaelen, and you will find out about that when you continue reading this story. :)    

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